Saturday, October 4, 2008

October - Litter Prevention

After our "Playground Clean Up", we found out that litter is a big problem at Elmwood School. It is also a huge problem in Illinois and in the United States.

According to the Illinois Department of Trasportation, more than 130,000 bags of litter are picked up off the sides of Illinois highways every year. That amount of litter is enough to cover more than 9 football fields! tells readers that every 12 minutes, a fire is started in litter. Also, thousands of animals every year are injured trying to retrieve, choking on, or getting stuck in litter. Litter also causes thousands of car accidents and damage every year. Millions of dollars are spent fixing tires and tubes damaged by litter.

Do your part and don't be a litterbug!

Websites to visit for more information:

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